Home Office L/E1, PIL AB and PIL C Live Webinars, Pre-recorded Webinars, Face-to-face and Online Courses
Home Office Modular Training accredited by the Royal Society of Biology and the Scottish Accreditation Board
We deliver the theory training by live webinar, pre-recorded webinar, online via our E-learning platform, at your own premises or at selected venues around the UK.
Live, tutor led training
Live webinars or face-to-face delivery:
L/E1: £200 per person + VAT
L/E1, PIL A (incl. Module K) and PIL B: £475 per person + VAT
L/E1, PIL A (incl. Module K), PIL B and PIL C: £700 per person + VAT
L/E1, Module K: £250 per person + VAT
PIL C: £300 per person + VAT
PIL AB Other Species: £250 per person, per species + VAT
RSoB Certificate Fees: £35 per person, per species
The Royal Society of Biology allows courses and species to be grouped on certificates as follows:
- L/E1 plus PIL A for guinea pig, mouse, rabbit and rat plus PIL B and PIL C
- L/E1 plus PIL A for non-human primates plus PIL B and PIL C
- L/E1 plus PIL A for goat and pig plus PIL B and PIL C
- L/E1 plus PIL A for dog plus PIL B and PIL C
- L/E1 plus PIL A for hamster plus PIL B and PIL C
- L/E1 plus PIL A for chicken plus PIL B and PIL C
Visit our website calendar or view our events lists E1/L PIL AB Event List , E1/L PIL ABC Event List for class dates.
Additional dates are available for group bookings, simply contact us via the Contact/Booking link or email us as at Info@LearningCurveDevelopment.co.uk to discuss your training needs or to book onto our live webinars or online courses.
On-demand, Online Courses and Pre-recorded Webinars
Pre-recorded webinars and eBooks with interactive resources and access for three months to study at your own pace:
L/E1 (recorded webinars): £200 per person + VAT and SAB Certificate
L/E1 (eBook): £200 per person + VAT and SAB Certificate
PIL AB Dog (eBook): £250 per person + VAT and SAB Certificate
PIL AB Hamster (recorded webinar): £250 per person + VAT and RSoB Certificate
Certificate Fees per person: SAB £22, RSoB £35
To view an example of the material available in an online course, follow this link
If you would prefer to talk to us about our courses, call us on +44 (0) 1279 814969
Course Overview
All personal licence applicants must successfully complete L and E1, and PIL A. PIL A courses are species specific and PIL B is anaesthesia for minor procedures (non-invasive, less than 15 minutes). Those planning to undertake invasive surgery must also successfully complete PIL C.
Module K is humane killing of animals. Some people choose to study this with legislation and ethics only, but if you are studying PIL A, this is included (Module 6.1).
To meet the requirements of the accrediting bodies and the Home Office, all delegates have access to our E-learning site for seven days of pre-reading prior to attendance. In addition, we give three months after the course to allow time to read, download or bookmark resources that will help a new licensee.
Depending on the establishment you are employed by or studying with, you will also have access to a local module. This provides information about health screening, important people to know and other information specific to that establishment.
Each training course consists of a series of modules, as follows:
L and E1
- Module 1: National Legislation
- Module 2: Ethics, animal welfare and the Three Rs
- Module 3.1: Basic and appropriate biology – species specific (theory)
- Module 4: Animal care, health and management – species specific (theory)
- Module 5: Recognition of pain, suffering and distress – species specific
- Module 6.1: Humane methods of killing (theory)
- Module 7: Minimally invasive procedures without anaesthesia – species specific (theory)
Using TLC DOPS, you will be trained and assessed locally (e.g. by your NTCO/NACWO or other suitable person) for Module 3.2: Basic and Appropriate Biology – species specific (skills) and Module 8: Minimally invasive procedures without anaesthesia – species specific (skills)
- Module 20: Anaesthesia for minor procedures (NB: anaesthesia less than 15 minutes – minor procedures only)
- Module 21: Advanced anaesthesia for surgical or prolonged procedures
- Module 22: Principles of surgery
Using TLC DOPS, you will be trained and assessed locally (e.g. by your NTCO/NVS or other suitable person) for the skills aspects of Modules 21 and 22.
The Learning Curve regularly provide PIL AB training for people who will be using mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits. We also provide PIL AB training for licensees wishing to use other species including chickens, goats, hamsters, minipigs and old world primates. Providing you have achieved the learning outcomes for L/E1 with any of these species, you will be able to apply for a personal licence.