Named Persons Courses
To ensure Named Persons are aware of their roles and responsibilities under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 Amendment Regulations 2012, these interactive workshops will provide the background to the legislation and the knowledge needed to successfully perform these important roles.
Booking Form
To book your place, please complete the TLC Workshop Booking Form and email it to
Face-to-Face Training Delivered In-house
If training is required for a group of six or more delegates, why not consider using our face-to-face training service which provides a cost effective and interactive training solution? Contact us at for further information.
NACWO Workshop
This two-day, interactive workshop for Named Animal Care and Welfare Officers (NACWO) explores the role and responsibilities of the NACWO providing delegates with the knowledge and strategies needed to apply for this position. Accredited by the Institute of Animal Technology.
NACWO Refresher Workshop
This one-day interactive workshop provides the opportunity for the more experienced NACWO to ensure their knowledge remains current and relevant to their role.
NIO Workshop
This informative and fun one-day Named Information Officer (NIO) workshop provides both new and experienced delegates with practical advice to assist in developing innovative and effective communication strategies.
NTCO Workshop
This one-day interactive Named Training and Competency Officer (NTCO) workshop explores the qualities needed to perform effectively in the role, equipping delegates with practical skills and strategies.