Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body Training

This interactive and participative workshop provides delegates with the opportunity to learn more about the Animal Welfare and Ethical Review (AWERB) process and its functions.

Cost: £175 per person + VAT
Duration: Half day
Delivered via live webinar or at your own premises.

See the Event List for course dates. If there isn’t a course scheduled, why not contact TLC to arrange one at your premises?

Did you know that you might be eligible for AS-ET funding?  Visit to complete a bursary application form.

The AWERB provides a framework to ensure all use of animals in the establishment are carefully considered and justified, that proper account is taken of all possibilities for reduction, refinement and replacement, and that high standards of care and good quality science are achieved.

Learning outcomes:
  • Appreciate the impact of the role on the AWERB process
  • Identify resources, hints and tips
  • Highlight potential pitfalls of the process
  • Identify examples of good practice
  • Actively and effectively contribute to PPL review and AWERB tasks
Course feedback
  • ‘Very useful as it also highlighted how subjective PPL reviews can be’
  • ‘Feel more confident about tackling my next PPL’
  • ‘Very worthwhile it clarified what i should be looking for in PPLs very useful and pitched at the right level’
  • ‘I was a little apprehensive about the course but it was good and I felt at ease throughout, relevant and useful, thanks’