PIL Refresher


This workshop utilises group exercises involving case studies to refresh and update knowledge, emphasise the importance of the PIL Standard Conditions and how to comply with them and ensures licence holders are aware of common non-compliances and how they are to be avoided.

Cost: £175 per person + VAT
Duration: Half day
Delivered via live webinar or at your own premises.

See the PIL Refresher Event List for course dates. If there isn’t a course scheduled, why not contact TLC to arrange one at your premises?

Procedure Individual Licence (PIL) holders should review their training and supervision needs regularly with their NTCO, as a minimum every five years but generally more frequently. This workshop offers the opportunity to focus on the Standard Conditions, which are the backbone of ASPA.

Learning outcomes:
  • Awareness of legal obligations
  • Highlight potential areas for non-compliance
  • Increased awareness of Standard Conditions and compliance needs