AS-ET (Animals in Science – Education Trust)

Animals in Science Education TrustAS-ET is a charity created by the IAT whose objectives are:

The advancement of education and promotion of excellence in the care and welfare of animals in science

The ways in which these objects are to be achieved will include:

  • Provision of bursaries contributing to course fees, travel and accommodation
  • Developing teaching packages
  • Developing handbooks, DVD’s and other course materials
  • Provision of web based learning
  • Development and provision of courses, summer schools etc
  • Supporting students with special needs

To be eligible for an award you must be employed in the care and welfare of animals used in science and the course you wish to follow must be connected with your work. Applications may be made to AS-ET for an award to attend scientific, training and other related CPD meetings in the UK and overseas.

If you would like to appy for a bursary to help with your training and education you can download the application form from this link